The top 5 dating mistakes men continually make

January 18, 2011 Leave a comment

Many guys think they go about attracting women in the right way but soon find that they become liked and are seen of as a friend rather than a potential partner.  This does nothing but frustrate the guys that thought they had game and were going about things in the right way.  Listening too intently and trying to mould oneself into what women say they want, is usually the downfall of these guys.

Here we’ll discuss 5 common things that guys do, usually in the best of interest, that move them further away from being the object of desire.


Being too much of a nice guy

Many women say they are looking for a nice guy but that is generally not how they  base their choices of men on.  It doesn’t matter how nice or caring a guy is as they choose the men they do because they feel a powerful gut level attraction.  Being nice doesn’t make women feel such an attraction.


Not understanding how attraction works for women

When a guy see an beautiful women, he feel a sexual attraction to her.  Simple right?  But it doesn’t work the other way round, as women are more attracted to certain qualities in men.  They are more attracted to the way a man makes them FEEL than they are to their looks.   This is why you will see many average looking guys with stunning women as they have tapped into this notion!  Make them feel special, desired and beautiful and you will be the most handsome guy in the room.


Looking for her approval

So in order to show that they care for women, many guys become puppets and look for approval or permission from them before taking any course of action.  Whilst they may consider themselves as being considerate and thoughtful, nothing can be more painstakingly annoying for a woman.  This will not make her like you more!  By this we don’t mean treat her bad but you do not need to constantly seek approval from a woman to go ahead and do something.


Assuming it takes money and good looks

Many guys use this as an excuse to not even get started or justify their passive and inactive approach or dating game.  Thinking she’s out of your league or you are not the calibre of guy she goes for is not how guys managed to attract beautiful women.  Sure, there are some women who are only interested in these things but by far these are the minority.  Women are far more interested in a man’s personality than his wallet or looks.  Using communication, body language correctly can make women feel the same attraction you feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman.


Getting too emotionally involved early on

There is no need to share with a woman, even if you feel it, how you feel about her too early on in a relationship.  Show some control and do not tell her you are into her after the first few days or dates.  This just indicates and signals that you fall too easily and are perhaps insincere what expressing yourself.  This can do more damage than you expect.   See how your relationship develops before jumping in and expressing you undivided love for her.


While this is not a comprehensive list, you will know if you are one of those guys.  The worse thing you can do is acknowledge what you do and not make any changes as this will result in not just the same outcome but will leave you feeling worse when you realise.  When you notice yourself making or about to make any of these mistakes then take a step back and think about how your actions will be perceived and interpreted.  Doing this will definitely improve your dating game immeasurably!


CityDaters puts you in touch with people you want to know.  Why not try us for free and see if there is someone from our 7 million active single user base that tickles your fancy.  Free £50K entry into our prize draw for those registering in Jan and Feb 2011.


For FREE eCourses and top rated dating techiques check out the Online Dating Blog is your resource to find the best dating and relationship advice on the net.  Simple steps to make you achieve so much more both on and offline.  Get and expect more from your dating experience.



Is it possible to guarantee success in dating?

August 30, 2010 Leave a comment

Despite what many may think, the simple answer for the vast majority of people is yes. It will however need some effort on your behalf. People often overlook the key ingredients to make themselves more effective and successful which are motivation and effort. Top entrepreneurs and sports stars never got to the positions they are in now without having the requisite motivation and putting in the effort so that they could achieve. Although, they may not need to put in as much effort as they initially did, they pushed themselves and progressed to the stage were they are still able to achieve massive success due to the experience(s), skills and knowledge that they have gained.

The same requirements apply to self development especially within a dating arena. If you are not motivated and fail to put in the effort in your dating game them your chances of attaining the successful outcome you desire are pretty much nil. And before you say that you have the motivation and are willing to put in the effort but don’t seem to have much luck in getting any attention or feel anxious about approaching, let me tell you that you are thinking about it in the wrong way. Sports stars at the top of their game, actually at any level, regularly undertake training to improve their performance. This is also the same in business which is facilitated by courses and mentoring. Whilst we may not all become CEOs, we do have the ability to achieve a very comfortable life through hard work and determination. Simply apply a learning mindset and remove all your hangups about yourself and be prepared to absorb proven techniques that will help you achieve. Be open to learning and the proven teaching methods will soon see you overcome your doubts, anxiety until they become a distant memory of your past as all you’ll be thinking about is what to do with all the numbers you pick up with ease.

One of the best products on the market that has helped people in numerous countries around the world overcome anxiety, shyness, awkwardness and lack of confidence in the dating game is the Love Systems Pro method. Even those that already have success in this area have seen a significant improvement and an increased ease to which they now attract people and fill their phonebook with numbers. The reason why the Love Systems Pro method is so recommended is that it is easily to implement in stages and has proven success track record across the globe, across cultures so much so that if it does not dramatically improve your game you get to keep everything and you’ll receive your money back. It techniques were tested live TV on the Tyra Banks Show and on Dr Phil which have global audiences in the millions. They took random people and through a little coaching and teaching transformed them so much so that they picked up girls and numbers without even thinking about. These were guys that were scared of rejection, seldom got any attention and had accepted life on the dating scrap heap.

Further reasons why we think that the Love Systems Pro dating programme is amongst the highest and best quality out there are due to endorsements they have received in publication such as FHM, MAXIM and global coverage on channels such as BBC, FOX, ABC and even Playboy! In order to achieve such wide praise and global admiration, this must be doing something right. So, the next time you see someone approach girls anywhere without thinking about it and come away with new friends, numbers and future dates, what you’ll see is not the person but probably what they’ve learnt from the programme.

For further information about the system click here

For FREE eCourses and top rated dating techiques check out the Online Dating Blog is your resource to find the best dating and relationship advice on the net.  Simple steps to make you achieve so much more both on and offline.  Get and expect more from your dating experience.


How much dating game do you have?

August 26, 2010 Leave a comment have innovative solutions to help

Isn’t it strange how everyone focuses on the end goal and seldom pay any attention to the path. We are not trying to be deliberately philosophical but from friends, family to our online life through social networks and websites, they all seem focused on getting us a partner or date(s). Dating websites seem to rarely focus on someone’s ability with a potential date or partner but just getting a mere result. Whilst they may match people on compatibility and hobbies to make the transition from stranger to potential partner supposedly easier, they neglect the person’s ability to give a good impression, ability to converse, build attraction etc.

Dating is not as easy as we think
It’s assumed that we all have the ability to chat and build attraction with people who have similar tastes. Surely, we just need to talk about common interests? Well, that doesn’t really make us stand out and the impression that gives is obviously going to be regarded as attractive. Where is the intrigue, spontaneity, humour, the allure, the curiosity that makes your date want you and desire you beyond a platonic way? Whilst we may be able to show such attributes when we are in our comfortable circles amongst our friends, many people especially when in the company of someone they perceive as more attractive or socially higher than them feel anxiety and as a result are not able to give off the impression that they are capable of. Many men make fools out of themselves in the company of attractive women which otherwise would be out of character. Perhaps, they make a remark, comment or joke that simply does not befit the situation or worse still causes some offence. It’s obvious that many people have this problem. Being the centre of attention amongst their safety net yet being a fish out of water when in unfounded territory.

Dating advice and training
In our jobs we get offered all sorts of training to develop ourselves such as presentation, negotiation, stakeholder management skills as they help us improve our competence or skill within our jobs. By understanding what we need to do or could do differently we are able to change our behaviour to make us more productive and effective in our jobs. Sounds very simple and obvious and there is obviously real benefit in it otherwise companies would not be spending $billions on staff training. Yet, when it comes to dating, we just do not see it in the same way despite many of us having clear problems and failing in our ability to makes a good impression, being able to approach, knowing how to converse or build attraction. We do need help but we seem reluctant to take advice in this area out of perceived social stigma or a sense of pride. Without such we remain doing the same things we do and fail to make improvements and as a result become dejected at the way things are going.

Improving your game and making the best impression
We recommend that you take a look at the Online Dating Blog as they focus on helping people achieve the results they are capable of in the dating arena. Effectively, they offer a number of courses focusing on dating advice and training to help you achieve a better experience and get more from your efforts. Whether you feel anxious during the approach, get tongue tied when talking, are unsure of what to say, or just simply lack the confidence to meet with the people you find attractive then there is a lot of help on the Online Dating Blog through a number of FREE eCourses. There are also a number of full courses which go into much more depth and guarantee you to get results. The beauty of these courses are that if you do not see any results after following the advice and reading the course, they will refund anything you pay. So in essence, if you are not able to attract anyone you like and come away with atleast their number, you will get your money back. Many products make such claims but not many of those have featured in the likes of major global publications such as FHM, MAXIM, Playboy and have featured on global media channels such as the BBC, ABC, FOX and been tested on shows like Dr Phil and the Tyra Banks Show. These courses are of the highest quality as to get such extensive positive media coverage must been the courses are worthwhile. They were proven on live television. Don’t take our word for it, check out the youtube clips on the website taken directly.

You have nothing to lose, so why not check out the FREE courses and see how you can up your dating game and easily attract people. Essentially, we all have the requisite skills but few of us use these. It really is very simple once you know how and have build up the confidence. Check out the site and videos and you’ll soon be on your way to being the one that always gets the girl and is never sidelined. Simple dating advice and techniques that gets proven results as featured in FHM, MAXIM, BBC, FOX, ABC and shows including Tyra Banks Show, Dr Phil and even Playboy.

What makes relationships last?

June 3, 2010 2 comments

So you’ve met someone wonderful and start looking forward to what your future life may be like with them.  The question is how do we make sure we turn that image into reality rather than a remnant of our past optimism?

When asked what makes a successful relationship, many of us think we know the recipe or atleast what the ingredients are.  We state universal terms such as love, trust, common interests as what takes us beyond attraction into fulfilling relationships.  Yet, for many of us knowing this and having the experience of being in previous relationships does not necessarily correlate into making us happy in a partnership.  Whilst attraction is relatively quick and in some cases instantaneous, relationships take longer to develop, build and maintain.

The ONS indicates that 20% of men and women divorcing in 2008 had previous marriage(s) that had ended in divorce.  But it’s not just those that have been previously married and in relationships that are having difficulty in building a successful partnership.  Indeed, 69% of divorces in 2008 were to couples where the marriage was the first for both parties.  The common most reason given for divorce was behaviour.

The results from CityDaters poll, indicate some of the following factors being important for developing a strong and lasting relationship.


This needs to be based on something more superficial than attraction otherwise it will last as long as the bank balance, looks or perhaps until the children leave the house.  Love is the most potent of ingredients that keeps together and wants us to be together and is absolutely crucial for any lasting relationship.  However, love needs to be combined with other factors to make a relationship last.  Imagine love as the air for humans, it keeps us going but without food and water it will be wasted.

Freedom of interests

Whilst having common interests is certainly positive, those that have other interests independent from their partners generally find they have more fulfilling relationships.  This ensures that you are not crowding each other and by investing some of your time in these interests or hobbies, it allows you to appreciate your commonalities and retains the element of spontaneity as you are less likely to become predictable.  Boredom in a relationship is a dangerous thing and by having these outside interests it acts as an escape not from your partner necessarily but from routine and ensures you bring a new freshness even to your shared common interests.


This is need not manifest itself everyday, as that would perhaps be counter-productive.  Romance should be something that is always live and never dormant, it should make your other half know that you appreciate them, care for them and that they are important to you.  This shouldn’t just be in the form of a card that you would give someone at Christmas but be a gesture that is personal, heartfelt and of significance.  It should be a break from routine, have an element of spontaniety.  Ensure you keep a regular balance of romance in your relationship.


Yes, sex in a relationship is important but this is not about sex.  Passion is what makes sex different.  There should be a longing in the couple for each other. It is passion that makes each touch, each kiss, each blink of the eye mean a lot more than that which meets the eye. You see those aging couples walking hand in hand, it is the passion that keeps them there. The passion to stay together despite the odds, that is what makes a good relationship.


Friendship is that ingredient which adds the magic to the relationship.  If two people can be lovers and friends at the same time, they have a complete relationship.  Friendship allows the couple to laugh together at their randomness, yell at each other for the mistakes and cry with each other for the losses.  How complete do you feel in company of a friend?  This is how it should be in your relationship, an effortless ease and comfort that you feel when you are together that makes an occasion more memorable.


You need to have a basic know how about the other person.  How they think, how they react and how they behave.  It is this empathy that makes a couple manage living with each other for a longer time.  It is this empathy that helps a couple do those small small things that make the other person happy.  A good relationship is made by two people who understand each other and accept each other with the flaws.

While the exact mixture will differ from relationship to relationship and person to person, using these elements you are bound to be close to creating the recipe that works for you.

CityDaters puts you in touch with people you want to know.  Why not try us for free and see if there is someone from our 7 million active single user base that tickles your fancy.

How do you know when someone is attracted to you?

May 18, 2010 1 comment

Understanding whether someone is into you, is something that many of us have difficulty with. Even when it is blatantly obvious to the world, some of us still seem oblivious to it. Just like reading maps, some people have a better sense of direction than others and are able pick up on the cues. Knowing the signs of physical attraction, means that you forgo the awkwardness when dating and more importantly getting the one you want rather than leaving embarrassed.

While we may be aware when we are flirting, it can sometimes, especially for men, be difficult to ascertain whether the other person is just being nice or is reciprocating our feelings. Seldom, do we or those that we are interested in forgo the dating rituals and make our intentions known from the offset.

So, why do so many of us get it so wrong, and how can we learn to read the signs of attraction?

Eye contact
If you don’t look at someone when you are introduced, it looks as if you are shy, aloof, or have something to hide. But if you stare, that seems threatening and hostile. Most encounters are a mixture of looking at the person and then looking away.

‘If someone likes you, you will notice an increase in eye contact,’ says body language expert Judi James.  ‘They will hold your gaze for a second or two longer than usual.   Then they will keep glancing back to check your expression to see how you are reacting to them.’

‘If you want someone to know you like them, don’t be shy – make eye contact,’ advises Judi. If you don’t, they’ll think you are stuck-up or not interested.

Body language
If you think body language is just about your posture then you have probably missed some important signals. It is all about the look on your face, the way you speak, and the signals you send by how you stand and move.

When standing, the usual distance between people is between 45cm and 1.2m. Closer is a signal of interest. But if the person moves away, it may mean they are not as interested in you as you are in them. Another sign that someone likes you is if they face you with an open body.  That is, they don’t have their arms folded and they don’t fiddle with something while they’re talking to you.

Here are some other signs to look out for:


  • Swing or roll their hips, especially when walking past a man or dancing
  • Play with their hair, toss it over their shoulder
  • Fiddle with a necklace, bracelet or earrings
  • Expose a shoulder by letting a sleeve hang down


  • Fiddle with a tie, play with buttons, collars or sleeves
  • Smooth their hair
  • Stick their fingers inside a belt
  • Rub or pull on an earlobe

Whether you’re too shy to initiate contact or simply not good at picking up on whether a signal was actually a signal or a random gesture, can put you in contact with people around the world that share similar interests. Why guess, let us make it obvious!

CityDaters puts you in touch with people you want to know.  Why not try us for free and see if there is someone from our 7 million active single user base that tickles your fancy.

Where should you look for your future partner?

April 28, 2010 Leave a comment

A behavioural study revealed that more than twice as many couples who got married in 2009 met through online dating sites than at clubs, bars or other social forums combined. One in six marriages are now between people who met through an internet matchmaking service highlighting the reach of online dating, the studies of more than 11,000 people found.

Where did people meet their partner(s)?

  • 1st – Most popular way of meeting a partner was through work and school accounting for 36% of liaisons over the last three years.
  • 2nd – Hooking up through a friend or family member at 26%.
  • 3rd – Getting together through an online dating site is the third most popular meeting way at 17%
  • 4th – Bars/clubs and other social events came in at 11%

Online differences

Dr Jeff Gavin, a psychology lecturer at the University of Bath, has researched the social science behind the sites.  His study centres on computer-mediated communication (CMC).  Essentially, how we talk and relate to people through computers and the internet.

  • We also tend to ask more questions online, and give more intimate answers, than when communicating face-to-face. So we make up for the ‘missing’ information like facial expressions.
  • “It’s natural that people want to paint themselves in the best light, so most tend to describe themselves in a positive way, and upload flattering photos,” Gavin says. “But I think that’s just like making an effort before going to a nightclub. When you’re on the pull – be it online or in a club, most people try to look their best. It may not be the way you look first thing in the morning, but it’s not dishonest.”

CityDaters puts you in touch with people you want to know.  Why not try us for free and see if there is someone from our 7 million active single user base that tickles your fancy.

On average we spends £800 a year on dates

April 27, 2010 Leave a comment

According to 2009 surveys by YouGov and Maestro, there are 8.6 million UK adults actively dating, roughly half the total number of singletons.  What happens to the other half of singletons that aren’t looking?  Perhaps, they are put off by the costs involved in taking someone out on a date.

The Costs

The cost of the average date is £206.87, the financial brunt of which is mostly borne by men, although women spend almost as much (£191.38) on clothes, hair and beauty products in preparation. At the national average of four dates each per year, this equates to a total dating market value of more than £8 billion.  Is it really worth spending £800 a year to meet someone  or is that money better spent having fun with the hope that you might meet someone with similar tastes at such venues or on such holidays?

Geographic Differences

  • The highest spenders on average are the Welsh
  • The highest ratio of single women to men is found in Glasgow
  • The lowest ratio of single women to men is in Reading

Why use online dating?

  • 4.7 million people claim to have used a dating website in the past year
  • 1 in 5 marriages of 19-25 year olds started online
  • Some 43% of people use Google to check out a first date

Perhaps, it is time to forget the stigma and give online dating a chance.

CityDaters puts you in touch with people you want to know.  Why not try us for free and see if there is someone from our 7 million active single user base that tickles your fancy.